Turborock Productions offer different services within graphic design, photography and merchandise. As a professional graphic designer and final artist, I can serve you and your band with layout for your upcoming releases featured on e.g. vinyl, disc or tape. Merchandise such as t-shirts, patches, pins and posters are also common objects to satisfy your fans. Feel free to send an email to to introduce me to your project. Below are some selected works that Turborock Productions have created in close contact with bands and/or record labels to fulfill the client’s vision. Further down you can find a list of selected works made for bands and record labels during the years.
- Design & layout for album releases (CD, cassette, vinyl)
- Basically layout for any printed media (flyers, catalogues, backdrops etc.)
- Merchandise design (bagdes, clothes, patches, flags, scarves etc.)
- Photography (band, portrait, enviromental)
- Pin/badge design and production (standard size 25 mm and big badge 37 mm)
- Other graphic productions such as posters, flyers etc.
- Print approved PDFs for delivery to record label/printing house.
Selected works

Returning customers
- Jawbreaker Records. Turborock’s number one business partner. Creating layout and doing final art and graphic productions for all kind of releases and printed media. Also working digitally with different promotion material etc.
- Sound Realms. An interactive audio adventure. Head of printed media and thereby responsible for layout and graphic productions for physical material, anything from banners, boxes, game cards, posters, cassettes, books and more. Also Brand Manager of the new Sound Realms brand identity that will take of in 2025.
- Klubb Dissonans and Metal Fest. Organizers of metal gigs and festivals in Huskvarna and Jönköping in Sweden. Provides them with banners, posters or anything else they wish to have for their upcoming events.
Layout and graphic production
- Tyrannosatan – Babylons Skräck. (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
Layout and graphic production
- Amethyst – Rock Knights, “Black Knight” edition. (Final art and graphic production for LP, cassette and poster).
- Armory – Black Star. (Final art and graphic production for 7″).
- Capricorn – …Running Out of Time. (Layout and graphic productions for cassette).
- Brood – The Exorcist Demo 1987. (Final art, layout and graphic production for LP, CD, cassette, poster, patches, stickers).
- Disarray – Religious Disease (Layout and graphic production for LP, CD and cassette).
- Iron Curtain – Savage Dawn. (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Living Fast – Wall Breaker. (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Manace – Mischievous Dreams. (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Mechanic Tyrants – St. Diemen Riots. (Layout and graphic production for LP, CD and cassette).
- Meurtrier – Le Visage Du Mal. (Final art and graphic production for cassette).
- Mindless Sinner – The New Messiah. (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Mindless Sinner – Keeping It True. (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Mindless Sinner – Poltergeist. (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Speedrush – Divison Mortality. (Layout and graphic production for LP, CD and cassette).
- Sulfuric – Macabre Festivities. (Layout and graphic productions for CD).
- Templar – Black Knight Demo. (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Templar – Treacherous Beast. (Final art and graphic production for 7″).
- Trastorned – Into the Void. (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Tröjan – Chasing the Storm. (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Tumenggung – Back on the Streets. (Layout and graphic production for LP, CD and cassette).
- Watcher – Key to the Unbreachable. (Layout and graphic productions for CD and cassette).
Pin/badge productions
- Eternal Evil
- Klubb Dissonans
- Razorvoid
- Sound Realms
- Venthiax
Layout and graphic production
- Acid Force – World Targets In Megadeaths (Layout and graphic production for LP, CD and cassette)
- Amethyst – Rock Knights (Final art and graphic production for cassette and LP, 1st, 2nd and 3rd pressings)
- Dunwich Ritual – The Weird Tape Sessions (Layout and graphic production for CD)
- Keks – Nocturnal Denomination. (Final art, layout and graphic production for LP, CD, cassette, poster, patches, stickers).
- Kontact – Full Kontact (Layout and graphic production for cassette)
- Midnatt / Overture – Swedish Metal (Layout and graphic production for LP)
- Mindless Sinner – Master of Evil, third pressing (Cassette design, layout and final art/graphic production)
- Mindless Sinner – Turn on the Power, third pressing (Cassette design, layout and final art/graphic production).
- Mustang – Beyond Raging Thunder (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Onyx – Onyx (Cassette design, layout and final art/graphic production).
- Pile of Death – Introducing Our Impending Doom (LP layout and final art/graphic production).
- Trastorned – Into the Void (Layout and graphic production for cassette).
- Tungsten Axe – Swedish Steel (Final art and graphic production for the LP release. Design concept by Tungsten Axe).
- Wizards – The Secret Gloom of Days to Come… (Cassette layout and final art/graphic production).
Pin/badge productions
- Albion Kross (for Black Writs Records)
- Armory
- Chris Holmes
- Dizzy (for Black Writs Records)
- Eternal Evil
- Impending Triumph (for Jawbreaker Records)
- Jawbreaker Records
- Kjell-Peders (for Black Writs Records)
- Mortality (for Black Writs Records)
- Soulless
- Sound Realms
- Treazon (for Black Writs Records)
Layout and graphic production
- Neptune – Legends from the North (Design, layout and final art/graphic production for the cassette box including 3 tapes).
- Rising – The Long Way Tour (Cassette design, layout and final art/graphic production).
Pin/badge productions
- Black Writs Records (label logo)
- Overdrive (for Black Writs Records)
- Overture (for band and for Black Writs Records)
- Screem (for Black Writs Records)
- Wanton Attack (for Black Writs Records)
- Zeit (for Black Writs Records)
Layout and graphic production
- Tyrannosatan – Katakombernas Kakofoni (LP and cassette layout, final art/graphic production, band photos and portraits).
- Tyrannosatan (T-shirt design x3).
Layout and graphic production
- Mindless Sinner – Master of Evil (Cassette design, layout and final art/graphic production).
- Mindless Sinner – Turn on the Power (Cassette design, layout and final art/graphic production).
Layout and graphic production
- Armory – The Search (LP and CD layout and final art/graphic production).
Layout and graphic production
- RAM – Rod (LP and CD layout, final art/graphic production. Design concept by Oscar Carlquist).
- Tyrannosatan – Triumvirat (Cassette design, layout and final art/graphic production and band photos).
Layout and graphic production
- Armory – World Peace… Cosmic War (LP, CD and cassette layout, final art/graphic production and band photos).